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Mongolia: Addressing Learning Losses During the Pandemic

14, August 2022
Kayla Kingseed. Edited by Frank Thomas
Mongolia: Addressing Learning Losses During the Pandemic
Cover image by: Eric Sales

This is a data story to illustrate how the data available in the SDG data portal and SDG Partnership Report can be used to explore topics in depth. The data story "Mongolia: Addressing Learning Losses During the Pandemic" was organized by the Asia-Pacific SDG Partnership in support of the 2022 SDG Partnership Report "Building Forward Together: Towards an inclusive and resilient Asia and the Pacific." The document considers the impact of COVID-19 on education and discrepancies in digital connectivity in Mongolia. Despite the rapid roll-out of digital teaching and other government initiatives to provide quality education, data demonstrates the need for bandwidth improvement in Mongolia to counteract learning losses caused by the pandemic. 

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