Resilience and the SDGs in the Asia-Pacific region - Several SDG targets have indicators related to disaster risk reduction

26 Mar 2018
Asia-Pacific SDG Partnership
© 2018 United Nations, Asian Development Bank, United Nations Development Programme Published in March 2018
Several SDGs make explicit links to resilience, while numerous goals have targets and indicators that capture dimensions of resilience, even if the term is not expressly used. The SDGs focus on the resilience of poor and vulnerable groups (target 1.5), promoting resilient agricultural practices (target 2.4); investing in resilient infrastructure (targets 9.1 and 9.A); building resilient cities and human settlements (targets 11.B); increasing resilience to climate-related hazards and disasters triggered by natural hazards (targets 13.1 and 13.2); and strengthening the resilience of marine and coastal ecosystems (target 14.2).