Knowledge Products
Delivering a Just Transition: Advancing Decent Work, Gender Equality, and Social Protection
People and Planet: Addressing the Interlinked Challenges of Climate Change, Poverty and Hunger in Asia and the Pacific
This report focuses on the interlinkages between climate change, poverty and hunger and provides recommendations on how to integrate...
Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals through Solutions at the Energy, Food and Finance Nexus
Download Report In an era of multiple crises including the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the 2023...
Building Forward Together: Towards an Inclusive and Resilient Asia and the Pacific
Download Report Building Forward Together: Towards an inclusive and resilient Asia and the Pacific is the theme report of the Asia-Pacific...
Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Leaving No Country Behind
Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Leaving No Country Behind is the theme report of the Asia-Pacific SDG partnership for 2021. Reflecting...
Fast-tracking the SDGs: Driving Asia-Pacific transformations
Fast-tracking the SDGs: Driving Asia-Pacific transformations is the theme report of the Asia-Pacific SDG partnership for 2020 (with...
Accelerating progress: An empowered, inclusive and equal Asia and the Pacific
Accelerating progress: An empowered, inclusive and equal Asia and the Pacific responds to the theme of the 6th Asia Pacific Forum on...
Summary For Policymakers - Accelerating Progress: An Empowered, Inclusive and Equal Asia and the Pacific
While millions of people in the Asia-Pacific region have prospered, there are groups, communities and families that remain disempowered,...
Transformation Towards Sustainable and Resilient Societies in Asia and the Pacific
Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies in Asia and the Pacific addresses the theme of the 5th Asia-Pacific Forum on...
Summary for Policymakers - Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies in Asia and the Pacific
People across the Asia-Pacific region live with diverse and interlinked risks. These risks are related to increasingly severe and complex...